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Careers Advice

Careers advice is still available. Pupils should email andrew.heydeman@mploysolutions.co.uk for an appointment over email or phone.  Appointments are Tuesdays.  


Year 9 Options Information

In order for Year 9 pupils to select their subject options, please listen to the videos in the first two links. Information on Options Advice on selecting your Options Once you have listened to the videos please login to Google Classroom and go to the …


If you were not allocated a place at Our Lady’s Catholic High

If you were not allocated a place at Our Lady’s Catholic High School click here.


Our Lady of Lourdes Statue Tour

Our Lady of Lourdes holds a special place in our Diocese as our Patron. The 11th February marks her feast day, and we are privileged to be the first school on the tour to receive this beautiful statue, marking the Centenary of the Diocese of …


2025 OLCHS Careers Fair

Our Lady’s Catholic High School annual Careers Fair will take place on 18th March from 10am until 2.30pm for pupils in Years 7 to 10. Employers & Organisations – if you wish to have a stand on the day, we would love to hear from …


Jubilee for Schools Launch Day

Friday 20 January 2025 was the launch of the Jubilee Year 2025 in schools. ‘God has anointed me… to proclaim good news to the poor, liberty to captives, and new sight to the blind; to set the oppressed free.’ Luke 4:18 Father in heaven, may …


National Award for OLCHS

In recognition of pupil attendance at Our Lady’s, and our commitment to ensuring pupils receive the best learning outcomes, we have received the National School Attendance Award for the last academic year (2023-2024). Well done to our school staff and the school community for your …


RE in the Spotlight

The Religious Education (RE) department has had an inspiring and thought-provoking year so far, with students engaging in a wide range of activities and lessons that have challenged their understanding and deepened their faith. From retreats to discussions on complex ethical issues, the RE department …


100% Christmas Attendance

Pupils will be rewarded with an early break if they achieve 100% attendance from MONDAY 9TH DECEMBER to THURSDAY 19TH DECEMBER There are so many things for pupils to be involved with in this last week of term, including festive Christmas lessons, Advent liturgies, Christmas jumper …


Season of Advent

As we enter the season of Advent, the first candle of the Advent wreath is lit, marking the beginning of a time of preparation, reflection, and hope. Newsletter 11


Awards Evening ‘Class of 2024’

On Thursday 21st November, we welcomed back the ‘Class of 2024’ Year 11s to present their GCSE and BTEC Certificates. The school community came together to celebrate their wonderful academic achievements and to present special awards and trophies to pupils for their outstanding contributions to …


Salvation Army Christmas Appeal

Our Lady’s gift collection this Christmas will be for the Salvation Army, Preston Branch. The Salvation Army has requested NEW, UNWRAPPED gifts for children and young people aged 7 to 18 years as well as Selection Boxes and sweet treats. These will be taken to …