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How to Apply Year 6 to Year 7To apply for a place at Our Lady's Catholic High School for admission in Sep...

Behaviour for Learning

Click on the link below to find out more about our Behaviour for Learning system.B4L parent leaflet...


If you have concerns about the safety of any child at our school, please contact one of the staff listed below...

Useful Safeguarding Information

Online Safety Evenings The school holds a number of Online Safety Evenings at which parents/carers can get ad...


Welcome to Our Lady's Wellbeing page. The information and links contained in the tabs below aim to provide hel...


Ephesians 4: 31-32 "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every for...

Year 6 Information

Welcome to your year 6 transition page, this is where you will find all information you will need to make your...


Careers Overview      Evaluating Impact      Governors      Parents      Students     Teachers...

Gatsby Benchmark Eight: Personal Guidance

“Personal guidance can support young people to develop their personal effectiveness, career readiness and be...

Governors Careers Statement

We are fully committed to ensuring that our careers programme is a coordinated and informed effort involving g...


Apprenticeships      Career Videos and Recruitment Paths      Careersometer      Labour MarketLe...

Planning For The Future

National Careers Service nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk – This is the Government’s hub for career...

LRC Careers Corner

All pupils in school have access to the well stocked careers corner of the Learning Resource Center. We e...


Use the boxes below to quickly explore and compare key information about occupations to support the process of...

Learn Live

Learn Live LearnLive delivers interactive careers advice and recruitment opportunities as live and on- demand...

Career Videos and Recruitment Paths

Careersbox is the national careers film library, a free careers resource showing hundreds of real people doing...

Work With Us

There are a number of opportunities for providers to come into school and work alongside our pupils, or to sim...


We aim to provide the best possible careers advice and guidance within school and to support this, every pupil...

Future Study Options

College www.cardinalnewman.ac.ukwww.preston.ac.ukwww.runshaw.ac.ukwww.myerscough.ac.uk  ...

Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information tells you about what is happening in the job market at national, regional and local...

Evaluating Impact

We are continuously measuring and assessing the impact of our careers programme on our pupils.  We have many ...

Pupil Destinations

It is of great importance to us that we keep records of and draw conclusions from our young peoples’ changin...

Tracking Destinations

May - We contact our local colleges to ask for a list of conditional places offered to our pupils. This data i...

Our Pupil Destination Data

Pupil Destinations including 2 term dataPupils staying in education or employment Leavers 2019 Leav...

Pupil Feedback

[su_tabs][su_tab title="Worldskills UK"] Y10 and Y11 Worldskills 46 pupils from Y10 and Y11 visited the ...

Guidance Interviews: Case Study

“I feel like the guidance has enlightened me to the opportunities that will best suit my capability and the ...

Parental Feedback

Year 11 Parental Survey - January 2020Year 9 Information Evening 2019 C...

Employer Feedback

Careers Fair 2020 Employer Feedback Employers that graded the experience as 4 or 5 out of 5 = 100% ...

Gatsby Benchmark Five: Encounters with Employers and Employees

“Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skill...

Sample Of Our Pupils’ Encounters With Employers and Employees’

At OLCHS we ensure that our pupils are presented with an abundance of opportunities to meet and engage in mean...

Careers Week

As part of ‘Careers Week’ in the spring term, Y7-Y10 pupils benefit from an employer encounter. Thi...

Mock Interviews

Each spring our school hosts a mock interview evening for our Year 11 pupils. Employers from across Lan...

Gatsby Benchmark Six: Experiences of Workplaces

“Every pupil should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or ...

Compass Evaluation

Compass is the careers benchmark tool for all secondary schools and 6th Forms in EnglandThis evaluation to...

Gatsby Benchmark One: A Stable Careers Programme

“The first rung in building a structured career ladder for all students comes from strong leadership and a c...


Learn Live LearnLive delivers interactive careers advice and recruitment opportunities as live and on- demand...

Careers Fair

In May we held our 6th annual Careers Fair in the Arts Theatre for all of our Year 9 and some Year 10 pupils, ...

Gatsby Benchmark Two: Learning from Career and Labour Market Information

“Every pupil, and their parents, should have access to good-quality information about future study options a...

Gatsby Benchmark Seven: Encounters with Further and Higher Education

“All pupils should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This incl...

Our Career Related Events

Our staff are constantly exploring ways of integrating careers related events into the curriculum and actively...


For some of our pupils the opportunities provided through an apprenticeship will be worth consideration after ...

Our Apprenticeship Success Stories

   I found that an apprenticeship would be the best option for me as apprentice...

Gatsby Benchmark Three: Addressing the Needs of all Students

“Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skill...

Cardinal Newman T Levels

Cardinal Newman College are offering two T Level courses beginning September 2020 in Digital and Education &am...

Gatsby Benchmark Four: Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers

“All teachers should link curriculum learning to careers.”Our comprehensive careers provision is immer...

Gatsby Benchmark Three: Addressing The Needs of All Students

“Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skill...

Local Apprenticeships

We provide details of advertised apprenticeship posts via our careers feed.  In addition, we personally conta...

T Levels

T Levels are new courses beginning in September 2020, which will follow GCSEs and will be equivalent to 3 A Le...

T Levels - More Information

T Levels will offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience during an industr...


Charity events are part of life at OLCHS. We are proud of the contribution that pupils make to a wide range of...


Welcome to the Chaplaincy at Our Lady’s.By way of being a part of our community at Our Lady’s we are p...

DFE School Performance

The Department for Education web site has data on school performance, characteristics and spend per pupil....

Our Family of Primary Schools

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School St Anthony’s Drive Fulwood Preston PR2 3SQMrs Rachel Ballard ...

GCSE Results

GCSE Results The table below shows the headline figures for progress and achievement at Our Lady's.[table...

Inspection Reports

In September 2022 we underwent a Section 5 Inspection by Ofsted.In November 2024 we underwent a Section 48...

Pupil Premium

Pupil PremiumThe Government introduced pupil premium funding to provide schools with additional funding to...

School Day

Structure of the School Week Set out below is an explanation of the structure of the school week. Standard D...

School Policies

Please feel free to print out any of the policies below. If you have any difficulties contact Ms P Stott, PA t...

SEN and Disability

Our Student Support Centre is at the heart of our school with a dedicated team of Learning Support and Pastora...

Term Dates

Please find PDF downloads of our term dates below. Key DatesTerm dates 2024-2025 Term dates 2025-202...


Travelling To School There are three school buses, organised by Lancashire County Council (LCC) and several s...


Pupils at Our Lady's are extremely proud of their school uniform 'when you put on our uniform you put on Our S...


All applicants must be able to demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children...